Direct West Face aka Western Skyline, 5.11b

Third Flatiron, Direct West Face
Application date: 10/3/08

Information from the applicant:
The proposed route lies on the narrow west face of the Third Flatiron between the West Face route and Saturday’s Folly. It follows the first 20 feet of Saturday’s Folly, then moves left onto a beautiful steep prow that splits the west fact. The route then joins the existing West Face route after about 60 feet of climbing and four bolts (5.11b). It follows the existing West Face route for about 25 feet through an overhang and up an elegant finger crack to a ledge, all protected with good gear (5.10). The new route continues on easier ground for 20 feet, moves to the left (north) side of the steep prow, and turns a final overhang on spectacular moves protected by three more bolts (5.11b). The route finishes on a large ledge directly below the summit of the Flatiron where good anchors can be placed with gear.

Requiring only seven bolts, the route provides a full pitch of superb climbing with unrivaled position. At its grade, the route is accessible to many climbers. The route begins at the end of the standard north-side approach trail and it shares a staging area with Saturday’s Folly and Friday’s Folly. So we expect no new areas of impact from this route.

FHRC Overview of the application: Approved
Voting Results: Approved
OSMP Decision: Approved


Please accept this application.

Sounds good.

Looks good — a vote for Yes.

I vote yes

Yes, would be amazing position.



I had the opportunity to toprope this line, and it is outstanding.

Yes, a welcome addition.


Sweet, new line! Yesssssssssss!!!


Cautious of new bolt but this seems reasonable since not much natural protection exists.

looks great

No, climbs through popular rappels. Easy to top rope.

Yes, Looks like an instant classic.

yes. sounds good.

yes sir

I vote yes for this route and the proposed bolt protection. This new proposal addresses the previous concerns of crowding in on existing lines and distracting from the natural gear protection of the adjacent routes.

Looks good. This submission has some history and met with some minor resistance in its first submission. MUCH to the credit of the submitter, the initial objections of the closeness of bolts to an existing line has been addressed and I think that this is a great proposal.

Looks great! I vote yes!

Yes, nice one!

Looks good as long as the existing rappels are not effected. Route should not climb on the rappel route


Do it