Battle Cat
Route Name: Battle Cat
Rock Formation: Hand
Number of Bolts to be Placed: 9 bolts
Proposed Grade: TBD
Route Description: Battle Cat will occupy the left arete on the south face of the Hand. Power Bulge (12c sport) and Back In Slacks (11c sport) both sit to the right of the proposed route. Battle Cat will be 20+ feet to the left of Power Bulge.
The City of Boulder OSMP requires a photocopy or diagram of the rock formation with the proposed route drawn in to be accompanied with the route description.
Description of Neighboring/Existing Routes:
Existing routes on The Hand: Starting from the NW corner L to R
The Handy Warm Up 5.10
New Saigon 5.11
Cardboard Cowboy 5.11
Father on Fire 5.10
The Perfect Kiss 5.11
Roc Atrocity 5.13
Power Bulge 5.12
Back in Slacks 5.11
East Face 5.4
The City of Boulder OSMP requires a description of existing routes on the same face of the rock formation, including the number of routes, route names, route grade, type [traditional or bolted], and approximate distance between routes, and a photocopy or diagram of the existing route(s).
Approach Description:
Approach is the same for the Hand formation, and well established.
Park at NCAR Mesa and hike the Mallory Cave trail uphill for approximately 30-40 minutes. After passing the Der Zerkle formation, there is a faint climber’s trail that skirts up the left side of The Hand’s east face (slabby) into a rocky and wooded gully (if you find yourself at Mallory Cave you’ve gone a little bit too far). Continue up the gully, The Hand’s south face should become aparant on the north side of the gully after several hundred feet. It is recognized by two sport lines that start on fifteen feet of enormous huecos. The west face routes can be found on the backside of the formation just uphill from the west face. Across the gully is Frankenstein’s tower and Der Freischutz.
The City of Boulder OSMP requires a description of the approach, including: approximate distance(s) from the designated trail system, existing “social” or undesignated trails leading to the climb, condition(s) of the trail(s), a description whether there is a durable surface, such as rock, and photographs of the approach.
Descent Description:
The descent is via lowering off the route.
The City of Boulder OSMP requires a description of the descent, if different from the approach, using the same evaluation criteria.
Base Area Description:
Soil is compact and base is slightly sloping, ideal for belaying. Clean and clear.
The City of Boulder OSMP requires a description of the proposed route, including: existing levels of soil compaction, existence of a durable surface such as rock, existing soil erosion, and photographs of the area at the base of the climb.
Description of Route Evaluation Efforts:
Yes. The route has been thoroughly inspected, and several options have been explored to find the best line.
Has the route been top roped? Is there loose rock? Is it extremely overhanging?
The route has been top-roped/rope-soloed as much as possible given the severe nature of the climb. The middle section of the route is too steep to top-rope.
The City of Boulder OSMP expects for the person(s) proposing the new route to to perform all reconnaissance work that can be reasonably done, short of placing any unapproved hardware.
Additional Notes from the Authors:
We’re excited about this wild line!
Meow that’s a nice-looking route. I say yes.
Technicolor glory! Yes.
I TR’d the line today in hellish wind/snow, and still had fun! All moves go, position/holds/moves are excellent and took minor cleaning. About 2x the length of Power Bulge. Potential for a second pitch to the summit, or a mega-pitch all the way up. Turned out better than I thought it would. Thanks for the support!
Rowr! Looking forward to another nice-looking route at The Hand. Yes please!
Looks like a good line on a crag that does not see much traffic. I support this route
Looks great, yes
Battle Cat is also the name of a well known 8c in the Frankenjura
Meeooww!!! What a beaut’ of a climb, hopefully it’s as good as it looks! Yes to the battle cat!