Route Name: Thulsa Doom

Thulsa Doom is the newest 35-meter route on the West face of Overhang Rock. The route climbs the face to the left of Snake Watching, eventually slithering its way up the striking arete feature that forms the north (left) edge of the upper West face. A 70m rope is MANDATORY.  The climb has a bit of everything, from reachy gymnastics down low (the second roof/ 3rd bolt will likely be the crux for the vertically challenged) to super balancy and technical face climbing to straight, bare-down thuggery. There is lots of cool 5.11-ish face climbing thrown in for good measure as well. This climb is totally classic in terms of both the movement and the position. Go Do It!

Many thanks to OSMP, the Access Fund, and the Flatirons Climbing Council for making new-routing possible in the Flatirons!

It is on the far left (north) side of the West Face of Overhang Rock, approximately 20 feet left of the start of Snake Watching. See the description for “Honey Badger” for general approach beta.
18 bolts plus an anchor. You may wish to stick clip the first bolt. A #0.75 Camalot or equivalent may be used between the 6th and 7th bolts (this terrain is probably 5.8 but runout otherwise). A few long draws or runners are nice for the bolts just before the upper arete but are not mandatory. A 70 METER ROPE IS REQUIRED!!!!
Photo credit:  Rob Kepley
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