OSMP update on cliff nesting raptor closures
OSMP reports the following updates on cliff nesting raptor closures:
The following areas (listed north to south) were reopened to visitors on May 15 as monitoring indicated raptors were not nesting at these sites.*
- The Box/Backporch
- The Wings
- Shadow Canyon (not including the Matron)
The following areas (listed north to south) were reopened to visitors on June 19.*
- Mount Sanitas Summit
- Skunk Canyon
- Bear Creek Spire
- The Sphinx
The following areas (listed north to south) remain closed. Sites are closed Feb. 1 to July 31 to protect cliff nesting raptors. Staff will continue to monitor sites and closures will be lifted if monitoring indicates they have finished nesting.
- Lefthand Canyon Palisades, at the intersection of Lefthand Canyon Drive and Olde Stage Road (Buckingham Picnic area remains open)
- Flagstaff Mountain, the north side of Flagstaff Mountain will be closed (the Boy Scout Trail will remain open)
- Third Flatiron, including the Queen Anne’s Head, W.C Fields Pinnacle, 1911 Gully and the Ghetto, the East Bench & West Bench, the East & West Ironing Boards, The Fin, Green Thumb and Jaws
- Fern Canyon, north of the Fern Canyon Trail, including the Nebel Horn Ridge, East Ridge, the Goose and the Goose Eggs (the designated Fern Canyon hiking trail will remain open)
- The Matron (the Maiden will remain open and accessible from the east; Shadow Canyon Trail will remain open)
- The entire Mickey Mouse wall, including South Tower, North Tower, Central Tower, Ship’s Prow, Wall of Shiva’s Dance, The Gargoyle, the East Face and Cryptic Crags
*Some boundary signs that show closures in place are left up year-round.